Chipo Nyangulu
Immediate Past President
Immediate Past President (IPP) Chipo was inducted by the RIPPR (Rotary International President’s Personal Representative) at Discon in May 2015 but was officially inducted at Rotary Club of Harare Central in June 2015.
She has held the following club positions, 2015/2016 Fellowship and fundraising committee member, 2016/2019 Public Relations Chair for 3 years, 2019/2020 New Generations Chair and 2021/2022 Club Administration Chair. At District level in 2016/2017 she was the Country Youth Protection Officer Zimbabwe, District Youth Protection Officer for District 9210 2017 till 2021 and the District New Generations Chair in 2021/2022.
President Chipo has received the following awards and certificates at club level, Rookie of the Year 2015/2016. PR and Club Awareness 2016/2017 & 2017/2018. Most Dedicated Rotarian for the year 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. Team Player of the Year 2021/2022. Since being a Rotarian she has held a 100% attendance record for club meetings.
At District level she received District 9210 Governor’s Citation for Social Media Presence 2016/2017. She was awarded two Change Maker pins in 2021/2022 from the District Governor. She is also a graduate of Practical Relevant Leadership Skills (PRLS) graduated 2019 and Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) graduated 2022.
She was the 50th Club President for the year 2022/2023.
Classification – Social Work
Committee Members
Past President Theresa
Rotarian Yvonne